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Year 3



Year 3 have got involved in Trees for Cities project. We planted some trees in autumn, and the summer term is the time to enjoy God’s beautiful creation.



Romans Workshop

We spent an amazing day transported back nearly 2000 years to a time when the Romans invaded Britain. We all looked fantastic dressed in Roman/Celtic costumes. We were very lucky to look at some Roman artefacts and to learn more about their purpose. Everyone looked very serious when we were learning about Roman battle formations and pretended to fight like Gladiators. We had a great time playing traditional Roman games. Please have a look at our gallery.




 Tremendous Trees Workshop at Boston Manor Park

On Monday 11th March we went on our trip to the Boston Manor Park.

 We had a very interesting workshop which introduced us to key native/ common English trees, and the Park’s more unusual/veteran trees. The workshop began with an introduction to the anatomy of trees, and why they are so important for pollution reduction, the air we breathe, to combat climate change and as habitats and food sources for wildlife. We went on a ‘tree trail’ and learnt to identify a number of trees, and to appreciate their uses in medicine, cookery, jewellery making (eg. amber) and to wildlife. We identified about 12 trees, and how to age a tree, whilst exploring the habitats in the Park (woodland, meadow and wetland).

We really enjoyed the quiz and the taste of herbal tea made from the flowers of a lime tree which we found in the Park. Please look at our gallery to see the amazing photos.





On Friday 9th of February we had a Mardi Gras celebration to prepare us for the upcoming season of Lent. We made masks and noise makers to help us with our celebrations. We took part in the whole school parade around our the church and our school playground.


On 7th of March we had celebrated World Book Day. We had an amazing time dressing up as our favourite book characters. Harry Potter is still winning! Have a look at our gallery for more photos.

We were very lucky to meet the local author Rainer Wiseman. He told us how he started writing his books and gave us some really good tips on how to write our own stories. Some of us have already started.

We had great fun taking part in the World Book Day activities in our school. From extreme reading competitions, to guessing which of our teachers were reading in very strange places.

 We just love to read!



Autumn 2

Children In Need

Year 3 recently united for a heartwarming Children in Need celebration, donning colourful pyjamas and generously contributing £1 each to the cause. This collective effort showcased the students' compassion and commitment to making a positive impact. The funds raised will support initiatives to improve the lives of less fortunate children. The event not only highlighted the school's nurturing environment but also demonstrated the power of unity and compassion within Year 3.

Stone Age to the Iron Age Workshop


On December the 14th, we welcomed in Dan from Portals to the Past, who took the Year 3 children back in time all the way to Stone Age Britain. The children explored the time frame of the past and could visually see how their 7 or 8 years compared to the amount of time Britain was in the Stone Age.

The children learnt about the different animals that would have been in Britain at the time and thought about which ones are extinct now and which ones have continued to evolve over time. Dan also showed the children real artefacts that are from these animals, including a real woolly mammoth tusk.

In the afternoon, the children continued their journey through time as they experienced the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. The children all had the opportunity to touch real animal bones, fossils and other interesting artefacts from across the ages, including obsidian stone, a real cave bear claw and a genuine seal skin.

Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 3!

We have now been back for two weeks and are settling in well. We are full of enthusiasm to undertake the challenges ahead this year.

We have established our class rules and we are already working hard. We are very pleased with the attitude towards learning and have been impressed with the improvements we have seen on a daily basis.

In RE, we are learning all about homes. The children beautifully explained what makes a house a home. We talked about Jesus’ home and wrote a prayer thanking God for our homes. We know that God has made a home for us and that we are welcome in his family. We are exploring Psalms, we have sung together, and the children independently wrote their own Psalms, thanking God for his love.

Our focus in Maths so far has been number and place value. The children are now able to successfully identify hundreds, tens, and ones, as well as use different manipulatives to represent place value.

In English, we are learning about instructions and their key features. We have already written our own instructions; we also enjoyed playing our instructions-based picture game. Please ask your children to tell you about this and play with them at home!

We have started our geography lessons this year with the study of volcanoes, which has fascinated the children. Every day we hear questions about if we are learning more about the volcanoes! It is amazing that research about volcanoes is being done at home and not just in school – well done everyone.

Our PE lessons are on Wednesdays and Fridays. This term, we are exploring different types of movement. The children are always very happy when we have PE lessons and understand the benefits of staying physically active.

Mrs Religa and Mr Gauci would like to thank you all for a great start to the year. Please remember to read every day, practice what you have learnt, and always try to do as Jesus taught us. We are looking forward to the upcoming year and know that we will achieve great things together.


Year 3 Team