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Year 4

We have just completed our first full week of the new school year, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the positive attitude, enthusiasm and effort of the children!

It’s been a fab start! In year 4 there are lots of interesting topics for children to learn about.

In RE, the classes have begun their topic of ‘People’ with a focus on family – ours and Jesus’ family.

We have begun to read Iron Man in English and even learned and performed the poem by Brenda Williams. A close look at language to make a poem and story come alive is our main objective.

While in maths, the children have been learning about number – its value, different ways to express it and how we use it in our daily lives.

Our science topic of electricity has all the children excited as we examine what makes a lightbulb work. They are eager to put their knowledge into practice and create working circuits of their own.

The classes have started back with two PE lessons a week; this term beginning with 'Balance' for indoor PE and learning tag rugby for outdoor PE. We have PE on Mondays and Fridays!

Finally, Miss Yadav and Mr Cooke would like to congratulate the children for their super start to the new year. We would ask them to remember to read each day, listen well and always try their very best. If they continue to do these things, it should be a brilliant year!