At Our Lady of the Visitation we want all pupils to see themselves as mathematicians and have a positive attitude to the learning of mathematics. Throughout their time at Our Lady of the Visitation pupils develop fluency in different concepts of mathematics and apply their understanding in different contexts. They are able to solve problems through reasoning and decision making and gain the skills and confidence to succeed in school and everyday life.
Teaching mathematics
At Our Lady of the Visitation Primary School, our mathematics curriculum is developed through the mastery approach. Our pupils are provided with a deep understanding of mathematics through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. This ensures pupils fully understand what they are learning and can explain their understanding using the correct mathematical language.
We want our children to think as mathematicians and reach their full academic potential, enriching and deepening their understanding through mathematical concepts, exploring and creating meaning through high quality teaching opportunities. This is created through careful planning incorporating exploration, practise, clarifying and applying through problem solving activities. These purposeful learning tasks meet the needs of all our pupils.
Please find the link to My Maths, our home learning maths programme. We also use Times Table Rockstar to support our pupils to learn their times tables in a fun and interactive way.