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Governing Body

The Governors of Our Lady of the Visitation School             

The Governing Body is made up of volunteers. We are parents, staff and other people from the local community who work together to make the school a success.

It is the full Governing Body which has legal duties and powers, and all governors share in that corporate responsibility. Governors do not represent the individual interests of parents, staff or any particular group within the school or the wider community.

The Governors of the school are:                                         

Kathleen Coll Headteacher   N/A  

Leslie Cook



Chair of the Finance, Staffing & Premises Committee

06/10/20 – 31/08/24


Christina Falzon


Rose Fitzgerald


Niall Gavaghan


Caroline Gibbon

Foundation Governor





Local Authority



01/09/22 -


01/09/21 -


01/10/23 -


01/05/24 -


Faithlyn Isaacs Foundation Governor Chair of the Curriculum & Pupils Committee

01/10/20 - 


Fr Liam O’Donovan Foundation Governor Chair of the Full Governing Body

01/09/21 – 31/08/25

Julian Pereira Foundation  Governor  

01/09/21 -



Barbara Radomska

Parent Governor


24/11/21 - 


Claire Rice Staff Governor   04/10/23 – 31/08/27  
Nicola Smart Foundation Governor   01/09/21 – 31/08/25  
Josephine Spencer Foundation Governor   01/09/22 -- 31/08/26  
Gill Kennedy Clerk to Governors        


Gabriela Dzuibek left February 2024

Jude Perera left in August 2023       

What do the Governors do?

Governors are responsible for strategic decisions and planning for the future. They are ‘critical friends’ who support and challenge the school.

They are not responsible for the day-to-day running of the school.

Governors need to be prepared to give considerable time towards their work for the school. They must not only attend meetings and read all the relevant paperwork beforehand but also be prepared to go for training related to their role, as well as visit the school frequently.

It is the Governors’ responsibility to:-

  • support the school at all times
  • focus on raising standards, so that every child achieves their potential
  • demonstrate their commitment by getting to know the school and become involved in school life and activities
  • take personal responsibility for their own training and development in matters relevant to their work as governors
  • prepare for meetings so they are well informed
  • attend meetings (Governing Body/Committees/Working Groups) and play an active part in these meetings
  • recognise that individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing body. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing body.   
  • respect confidentiality and the need to be prudent about any information they have received as a governor

If you wish to raise a matter with the Governors you should contact the Chair or the Clerk, via the school. You should not approach individual governors, particularly those who are parents, as you are putting them in a very difficult position.

Committees of the Governing Body of Our Lady of the Visitation

  1. Finance, Staffing and Premises - this committee’s remit includes finance, resources, premises, health and safety, and staffing.
  2. Curriculum and Pupils - this committee’s remit includes standards of teaching and learning, achievement, and pupil well-being.

There are other committees which are required by law, i.e. they are statutory. These are:

  1. Admissions
  2. Pupil Discipline (Exclusions)
  3. Staff Dismissal
  4. Staff Appeal

Governors have formed a pool of possible members for these committees.